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China's ceramic crowbar technology

Time:2017/3/22 14:37:43 Click on:

Every country's industry technology is very different. In recent years, China's silicon carbide products have caused the attention of foreign manufacturers, and many countries have conducted comprehensive tests with silicon carbide products. Relatively speaking, Chinese ceramics The crowbars have the same performance as other countries.

Afterwards, the silicon carbide roller rods produced by Cabrendon Corporation of the United States were compared with the silicon carbide roller rods produced by our company in Luoyang. After comparison, it was considered that silicon carbide products have domestically produced silicon carbide roller rods with high mechanical strength and good thermal shock resistance. , The uniformity of heat generation between groups or phases meets the requirements of use, and the advantages of solid silicon carbide roller stick welding.

      In the glass container industry, the use of our company's silicon carbide roll rods in recent decades has proven that domestic silicon carbide roll rods can completely replace expensive imported products, in particular, our company's special silicon carbide roll for glass flute Stick production technology has its unique advantages. Its product quality is stable and reliable, and it is very popular among glass product manufacturers.

     In summary, at present, the performance of domestic silicon carbide roller products is similar to that of similar foreign silicon carbide roller products, and some of the indicators are also superior to imported silicon carbide roller bars. Therefore, we believe that our R&D and production of silicon carbide roll rods are not inferior to foreign water products, and even in some respects are still in the leading water products.

     Every country's industry technology is very different. In recent years, China's silicon carbide products have caused the attention of foreign manufacturers, and many countries have conducted comprehensive tests with silicon carbide products. Relatively speaking, Chinese ceramics The crowbars have the same performance as other countries. For more information about ceramic tamper please click our official website 

alumina ceramic rollerfused silica roller for tempering furnacehigh temperature alumina ceramic roller ,Company website: http://www.ceramicroller.net/