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Why does mullite crack open

Time:2017/9/8 16:57:03 Click on:

Many customers responded that the mullite smelters that they bought had cracks of varying degrees when they were fired more than 10 times, and they could not find a reason. According to our technical staff, there are several reasons for the cracking of mullite stone.

1. When the mullite cracks, you should observe whether the cracks are evenly distributed. If uneven, it may be caused by uneven heating and thermal stress imbalance during use;


2. If the cracks around the surface are relatively even, it may be that when the mullite stone is prepared, the mixture of the materials is not uniform. The solution to this problem lies in the quality control of the production process, and the most important thing is whether the formula of mullite is more reasonable. The mullite formula developed by our factory is currently the domestic leader, and the quality of the manufactured thorium is stable. , Can be repeatedly fired 20 times.

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